Hello, Im Gab! I’m 29 years old, I am a nature, health & animal enthusiast! For years I’ve been a freelance photographer and dog trainer, but now I am following my passion & studying to become a certified holistic nutrition coach! I love meeting new people, so come follow my journey with me!
1 cup of dairy free milk, I use oat
3 tablespoons of chia seeds
1 teaspoon of Origine Organic Vanilla Extract
2-3 tablespoons of organic peanut or any nut butter
Baking Powder, 2 tsp
Date Syrup or Maple Syrup to sweeten, as much as you’d like!
Crushed Peanuts
1. Mix all your ingredients together, making sure there are no clumps and the nut butter is fully mixed in. You can also add peanut butter or chocolate protein powder to this!
2. Add to a container or jar and let sit in the fridge overnight.
3. Top with nut butter, chocolate chips, dates, almonds or peanuts & some fresh apples.
4. To make this extra snicker like, add melted chocolate on top or a plop of caramel.
Enjoy! Delicious & nutritious!