Hello, Im Gab! I’m 29 years old, I am a nature, health & animal enthusiast! For years I’ve been a freelance photographer and dog trainer, but now I am following my passion & studying to become a certified holistic nutrition coach! I love meeting new people, so come follow my journey with me!
1 Medium/large Steamed & Mashed Sweet Potato
1 Banana
1 teaspoon of Origine Organic Vanilla Extract
1 tablespoon of Pumpkin Pie Spice or you can use Organic Ground Cinnamon
Dash of Nutmeg is optional
Your Desired Amount of Maple Syrup / Agave / Honey for sweetness
Oat Milk
1-2 Tbs of Chia or Flax seed
Coconut Whipped Cream or Whatever kind you like to top
Walnuts or nuts of your choice
1. Simply add your ingredients to the blender - milk last.
2. Top ingredients with milk, blend and add more milk or maple syrup to your desired sweetness & consistency.
3. Add Ice & blend again.
4. Top with whip cream & serve!
A totally delicious spin on a seasonal fav! Enjoy!